We represent our clients:

  • before all types of courts, at all levels
  • before administrative authorities and the Public Prosecutor’s Office
  • in arbitration
  • in professional disciplinary proceedings

We offer advice and/or represent our clients during negotiations as well as commercial and trade relations.

We write:

  • legal opinions
  • draft contracts, articles of association and other legal instruments
  • statements of case
  • all types of appeals
  • expert’s opinions, analyses, reports
  • translations of legal documents

We also offer other legal services, such as:

  • conducting negotiations
  • legal and due diligence audits
  • corporate service

How and where we operate

We provide both regular legal service as well as one-off assistance in solving legal problems.
Legal advice is provided at our office, by telephone, by e-mail or at the location suggested by the client, at the convenience of our client.
We operate across Poland and work hand in hand with advocates, legal counsels and lawyers with in-depth experience in different areas of law.
When handling cross-border cases, we collaborate with lawyers from other countries, mainly from German-speaking region.



  • advice on company founding, mergers, takeovers, transformation and liquidation
  • legal screening  and analyses
  • advice on daily company operations
  • service to company governing bodies
  • bankruptcy and recovery proceedings, due diligence
  • compiling legal documentation for bond issues and acting as a security administrator


Call us or send a message:

phone: +48 22 370 23 20
e-mail: kancelaria@sglegal.pl

Visit our law office:

ul. Marii Rodziewiczówny 1 lok. 808
04-187 Warszawa